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Table 1 Key properties of C and metals as wall materials and diagnostic components

From: Accelerator techniques and nuclear data needs for ion beam analysis of wall materials in controlled fusion devices






Low-Z. Resilience to thermal shocks and no melting λ of some CFC > 300 W m−1K−1.

Chemical erosion by fuel atoms, CxHy formation, high erosion rate and fuel inventory in co-deposits.

PFMC in most tokamaks [8, 14–21, 27, 50–55] and stellarators [56–58] because of excellent power handling capabilities.


Low-Z, no chemical erosion

Low Tm and high sputter yield.

Used in JET-ILW in the main chamber wall [29, 31, 59]; the same decided for ITER wall [49].


High Tm and low sputter yield by fuel

High-Z, risk for plasma contamination and disruptions. Activation and transmutation.

ASDEX Upgrade wall and divertor [60, 61]. JET-ILW divertor [29, 32–34, 62]; the same decided for ITER divertor [49].


High Tm and low sputter yield by CXN

High activation.

Tested candidate for first mirrors in ITER diagnostic systems [63–67]