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Table 3 Major specifications of the iBNCT001 device and the characteristics of its neutron beam

From: Current development status of accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy



Linac operating conditions


Accelerator type

RFQ and DTL-type linac

Repetition cycle

75 Hz

Proton energy

8 MeV

Proton average current

2.1 mA

Target material


Neutron beam characteristics in free air


Epithermal neutron flux

7.0 ×108 (n/cm2/s)

Gamma-ray dose rate in the epithermal beam

0.04 (Gy/h)

Ratio of thermal neutron per epithermal neutron


Fast neutron component per epithermal neutron

3.8 ×10−13 (Gycm2/n)

Gamma-ray component per epithermal neutron

2.8 ×10−14 (Gycm2/n)

Neutrons and gamma-rays in a water phantom


Maximum thermal neutron flux

1.4 ×109 (n/cm2/s) (with 120 mm beam aperture)

Gamma-ray dose rate

5.0 (Gy/h)